Wednesday, September 22, 2021



The Little Things (2021)    Here's one of our prime candidates to nominate for Most Ruinous Waste Of Time And Talent Of The Year.......

             Major talent involved here......Denzel Washington, Rami Malek, Jaret Leto. Grim, grim story which promises (but not once delivers) a chilling, dark suspense tale, along the lines of "Seven" or even a little bit of "Silence Of The Lambs"........

              Forget it. 

              It's stillborn from the first minute on and stays permanently locked in low gear for its entire dreary 128 minute running time. 

               And it gets worse as it lurches to its conclusion. The plot forces Washington and Malek to behave completely out of character in its ridiculous finale, which makes a feeble grasp at irony with one final twist. (By the time the film got to that point we were long past caring......)

             This film wears the disguise of a thriller, but it has no real intention of directly connecting with an audience. In its dogged, excruciating commitment to tedium, it seems to aspire to the nihilism and remoteness of some films made in the 1970's.....movies filled with characters whose moral compasses had come loose, guaranteeing a miserable fate for everyone involved. 

                You'll have noticed by now that we're not eating up any more useless verbiage describing this film's storyline.....(but if you must know in a nutshell, it's about a disgraced cop (Washington) and a hotshot young detective (Malek) joining forces to hunt a creepy suspect in serial killings (Leto).

                  We can't make ourselves any more clearer than this.....avoid this dud like it was COVID

                 Zero stars (0)  High profile, worthless junk. Flush it.

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