Friday, September 3, 2021


            Just when we think the madness can't get any worse than the previous week's lunacy......

Texas deputizes millions as amateur bounty hunters to track down pregnant women wherever they may try to hide.........and that includes those crybaby wussie women boo-hooing about ending up pregnant through rape and incest.  Suck it up, bitches and pump out those babies or we'll slap you and anyone who helps you with $10,000 fines and lawsuits. The eyes of Texas are upon you........

The Supreme Court Trumpanzees examine new Texas law, declare, "Hey, we're cool with it.....time for those Texan sluts to pump out some toddlers...."   Exclaimed Justice Brett Kavanaugh, "Any Texas bounty hunter who bags 50 pregnant babes this month wins a case of Coors on me!"

Climate deniers claims floods in New York and across the South must have come from leaky pipes.....or possibly from cancer causing windmills.....

GOP Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy threatens telecom companies if they dare to release January 6th phone calls......warning them he'll deploy 15,000 MAGA zombies to storm their office buildings and publicly lynch any telecom employee who reveals what McCarthy and Jim Jordan were up to on Jan. 6th........

Anti-Vaxxers and Anti-Maskers filling up hospital ICUs so they can make their fondest wish come true and die of COVID, gasping for their last breath........Godspeed, Trumpian morons.....don't let the ICU doors bump your dead asses on the way to the morgue.......but at least there's a silver lining  - there'll be less of you available to vote in the 2022 and 2024 elections..................................

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