Monday, September 6, 2021


 Cruella (2021)   After suffering through its agonizing 134 minute running time, we could only sit there stunned.....trying mightily to figure out what possible demographic this movie was ever made for.....or could appeal to......

              Children?  This movie's about as appropriate for children as 'Apocalypse Now'.........(and seems just as long....._)

                Adults?   What adult in this universe nurses a burning desire to see the origins of a Disney cartoon villain?

                 Greedy Disney Executives hoping for a cash bonus so they can add an infinity pool next to their tennis court?   Ah, at last we discovered the true audience for this film.......

                 Sitting through this movie is similar to having your eyeballs pinned open like Malcolm McDowell's in "Clockwork Orange" and being forced to watch all of George Lucas's misbegotten "Star Wars" prequels, one after the other.

                Basically, a torture trip through a ludicrously conceived origin-backstory that nobody ever wanted, needed or cared a rat's ass about.......

                "Cruella"  is yet another abysmal, nearly unwatchable display of the Disney's empire's naked greed, their ruinous policy of plundering the beloved, original properties undeservedly left to them by the company's founder and creative force, Walt Disney.

                  Just when we think their strip-mined, zombie-fied "re-inventions" and "reboots" of classic Disney films can't sink any lower into the abyss (like their ghastly CGI'd "Lion King"), there's always another one right around the corner. 

                  It's as if the classic Disney films have been enveloped and transformed by 'Invasion Of The Body Snatchers" pods......this new product look like movies, sound like movies......but then you realize what you're watching is a soulless, heartless imitation of a real movie.......a creepy carbon copy.

                  We'll not waste any time describing the particulars of this latest Pod Movie. What's the point?  As the current phrase is what it is. 

                   And what it is for us is a nauseating AFH. An ABOMINATION FROM HELL.   Avoid this steaming turd at all costs........

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