Friday, September 24, 2021


             As always, Baby Orange never disappoints when it comes to piling up the madness each week....

The phony-baloney Arizona election "Audit" arrives.......and says Trump lost and Biden a large margin......        but Baby Orange, still living in his own reality, claims it shows the opposite....and also proves beyond any doubt that windmills spread COVID and gargling Drano will replace the need for ventilators in ICUs........

Virologist in Trump administration reveals overturning the election took priority over the Pandemic that possible? You mean to say......that Baby Orange thought making himself President For Life was more important than saving thousands of lives?   For anyone who's surprised by that, here's another shocker.......the sky is blue and 1 + 1 is 2.....(except on Fox News....)

Fox News bans Rudy Giuliani.......just imagine for a moment, how clownish, stupid and insane you've have to be to get yourself banned from Fox News.....putting  Rudy beneath the lowest bar imaginable...

Anti-Vaxxers encourage their followers to pull their COVID-afflicted relatives out of ICUs to try home remedies.....their new recommendations for cures include Kool-Aid laced with bleach, Listerine mouthwash taken intravenously and praying and bowing to large photographs of Donald Trump........

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