Thursday, September 2, 2021


            You can tell who took full command of our Netflix account last could only be the one and only BD (Beloved Daughter), asking us to join her through a mind-numbing journey through the streaming site's Young Adult offerings.......

              When we say 'mind numbing', we're referring to the teenage characters on display in these two made-for-Netflix movies and the second season of one its Pandemic-popular series.......(see our post of 5/6/20 for a review of the first season......)

                So let this safari of silliness commence.......

He's All That (2021)  purports to be a gender-switch remake of the 1999 She's All That (Harvey and Bob Weinstein's foray into Young Adult movies) which the most Popular Kid In Class takes a bet to Pygmalion-ize the school's most outcast geek into a socially acceptable hottie.  (Originally played by Freddie Prinz Jr. as  Mr. Popular and the sweetly quirky Rachel Leigh Cook as the Geek.)

               The remake (reboot? re-invention? rehash?) flips the genders with the Hot Popular Kid portrayed by a Tik Tok/ Instagram non-entity named Addison Rae, who makes it clear from the get-go that she's in dire need of an acting coach. Her 'My Fair Lady' target is an equally blank slate named Tanner Buchanan, initially saddled with stringy long hair to not so cleverly hide the fact he's ripped like a body builder. 

                As usual with current teen crapola, every character's life revolves around their smart phones, though we did perk up for a minute or two when the film took a shot as duplicating the original film's ultra-choreographed prom dance number.   And it was nice to spot Rachel Leigh Cook showing up to play the Pop Girl's mom. 

                 The rest of it? Worthless. 1 star (*) for the dance number.

The Kissing Booth 3 (2021)   We can barely work up enough interest or energy to write more than few sentences about this one.......about the same amount of interest and energy that must have factored into Netflix's decision to greenlight it.  

                 Why it even exists is beyond us. All we vaguely remember about it - a bunch of spoiled, entitled teens, (all of them high strung drama queens and princes) spend their summer before before college in a plush beach house. 

                   They all end up squabbling for reasons we couldn't even remember two minutes after the film was over.......and we doubt if the screenwriters remembered any of it  two minutes after they finished typing.

                  Unwatchable and tedious every step of way......Zero stars (0)

Outer Banks, Season 2 (2021)    At last we come to something we loved, one of our favorite Guilty Pleasure of Pandemic 2020.....and now assuming the same mantle for Pandemic 2021.

               Once again we follow the incredibly unbelievable adventures of a Scooby gang of dead-from-the-neck-up teens hunting fabulous hidden Indiana Jones-worthy treasures along the South Carolina coast......

                 And just like Indy, they're constantly thwarted, attacked and stymied by a pair of hiss-ible villains......a murderous psycho McMansion uppercruster and his equally nutso son. 

                  For another 10 episodes, this collection of dimwits with the combined IQ of an eggplant make one foolhardy, reckless decision after another, plunging them into more constant peril than a 1940's Batman serial. 

                  We couldn't get enough.....laughing out loud through every idiotic, imbecilic moment. (If you play the drinking game, taking a shot when any character makes a stupid move, you'll end up with alcohol poisoning....)  Like the first season, a 3 star (***) Most Guilty Pleasure Ever.....


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