Friday, September 17, 2021


                  BQ sincerely thanks authors Bob Woodward and Robert Costa and their upcoming book "Peril" for this week's  mountainous amount of mega-madness........

                    What's beyond disturbing- even in our worst nightmares, we couldn't make this stuff up.....let the madness commence.......(and everyone have a nice weekend!)

Trump tasked Rudy Giuliani with leading the phony election fraud lawsuits because "none of the sane lawyers" would represent him".......but only after Trump tried a seance to contact deceased O.J. Simpson lawyer Johnny Cochran......from beyond the grave, Cochran spoke a line similar to his infamous, "If the glove don't fit, you must Trump, he intoned, "I must're full of shit...."

Trump mocked his Jewish son-in-law Jared Kushner, claiming "He's more loyal to Israel than the United related news, the ex-President also checked with the Surgeon General to see if he could donate transfusions of his own pure Trump blood to Jared and Ivanka's children, thereby completely wiping out any Jewish blood cells that might be circulating in their bodies.....("We could make sure they grow up as very fine those Neo-Nazi guys in Charlottesville")

Ex-CIA director said Trump's post-election behavior was "insanity" and "acting out like a 6 year old with a tantrum......our only question:  in what way exactly was this behavior any different from the way he conducted his entire 4 year Presidency?

Trump threatened to unfriend Mike Pence if he didn't help overthrow Biden's election...("I don't want to be your friend anymore if you don't do this....".......furthermore, he warned Pence that he wouldn't get any more of Trump's left over McDonald's fries and would also lose his Mar-A-Lago pool pass.....("Ya know, Mike, I'd hate to see you dangle from a rope in front of Congress.....I heard it's murder on your neck and spine, if you get my drift....."

General Milley assured China he wouldn't let Trump nuke them...... and greatly calmed the Chinese government when he told them he'd changed Trump's  nuclear strike code to the phone number of a Taco Bell drive-thru in Newark New Jersey. 

Paul Ryan researched "narcissistic personality disorder" after Trump's 2016 election victory.....and turned queasy when he noticed all the medical journals used Trump's photo as an illustration.....

Trump's lawyers had to perform  "law school 101" to explain to him why he couldn't go directly to the Supreme Court to plead for his reinstatement as President......and also explaining why he couldn't ask Brett Kavanaugh to issue a public execution order on Mike Pence or at the very least, a "Dunk Mike Pence" water tank at the Indiana State Fair........

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