Friday, September 10, 2021


           Here's the price we pay for the weekends......the weekly pile-up of madness......

Texas governor says his state will eradicate all rapists to he won't have to force 12 year old girls to have babies under the new Texas abortion ban.......and also happily reports he's compiled a comprehensive list of all Texas rapists and they'll shortly be deported from Texas and flown directly to locations in Oklahoma, Alabama and apartments within walking distance of girls' dormitories on campuses throughout the U.S.  Said Gov. Abbott, "One or two of 'em may slip through the cracks.....but  the law still holds for those little girls.... In this state, if a kid gets raped, she won't be scraped. Catchy, no?"

Donald Trump claims Robert E. Lee could've won the Civil War if it wasn't for Gettysburg......the ex-President's lesson in revised history was followed by thrilling rendition of the classic song from "The Wizard Of Oz"....'If I Only Had a Brain'. 

Court ruling allows Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to continue to punish schools who want mask mandates.....DeSantis happily exclaims....."This is a great victory for freedom and my God given American right to insure the community that as many kids as possible will contract COVID and die horribly trying to take their last breath on ventilators  With any luck, I can fill up those ICU's with more deathly ill little bastards than this country's ever seen.. It's what I do......and damn, I'm good at it!"

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