Monday, August 17, 2020


Brandenburg: A Thriller by [Glenn Meade]

 Brandenburg by Glenn Meade (1997)    Oh how we wanted to dive in and love this book.......

              Oh how we wished we hadn't wasted our time.......

              In books and films, we're a complete sucker for the 'Neo-Nazis Plot To Re-Emerge And Conquer The World' genre......can never get enough of 'em.....

               Some of them are real barn burners, checking off all the boxes........others get bogged down in plot complications.......and sorry to say, some of 'em just plain suck. Big time.

               This one sucks.

               Like many of the Neo Nazi thrillers, it kicks of in that refuge/escape hatch/nesting cocoon for Nazi Larva......South America....

               A Neo Nazi cabal is up to something horrendous to take place in Europe.......and anyone who stumbles upon them in mid-scheme gets immediately targeted for elimination.......

               Clues to their mission fall into the hands of an intrepid Interpol guy and a smokin' hot babe with Nazi baggage in her parentage.......then the chase is on.....

               Except the chase here moves at a snail's pace and you could easily doze off all through this book, waiting for something,,,,,well anything to happen.

               Somewhere toward the last third of the book, author Meade makes an all out effort to wake up his remaining readers with some spectacularly gory gunfights.......

               But piling on all the dead bodies doesn't make the plot any clearer, and by the time our Interpol guy and the Chief Villain engage in their final bloody showdown, we breathed a sigh of relief that the goddamn thing was over at last......

                (And speaking of the Chief Nazi, what the story considers its BIG TWIST about him isn't anywhere near as weird and outrageous as all the characters (and the author) think it anyone who follows this genre, it's nothing but standard boilerplate...)

               We realize we're a little late getting to this book, since we picked it up for 25 cents at library book sale over 15 years ago.

                Now we're so sorry we ever opened it.

                Zero stars (0)  A boring slog, even with all its last minute violence. Skip it.

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