Wednesday, August 26, 2020


Dr. No (1962)

Dr. No (1962)    We can't believe we're ending up wishing our favorite actor of all time a one day late 'Happy 90th Birthday'........

                 We, who went to see 'round the clock 24 hour showings of 'Thunderball' and 'You Only Live Twice' at 3 'O Clock in the morning........and stayed watching continuous showing into the rest of the day........

                   Yes, boys and girls, you could actually do that in the Ancient Ages Of Moviegoing.......think of it as Jurassic Era binging....except you're watching the same thing over and over again.....

                  But let's get back to Sir Connery.......

                  "Dr.No" the modest, low budget start of the Bonds, swings back and forth from brilliant to embarrassing, often betraying its cost cutting filmmaking with terrible rear-projection and B-level special effects. But then it'll suddenly take your breath way with Ken Adam's stunning sets and its startling eruptions of cold-blooded violence. 

                    You forgive every cheesy moment in it because you can't take your eyes off the young actor who seized hold of a popular literary character and brought him to flesh-and-blood life like no other actor possibly could. 

"Dr. No" Sean Connery 1962 UA

                    By the 3rd film in the series, 'Goldfinger', the man and the mythical character had so melded together for worldwide audiences, they couldn't tell one from the other.

                    This naturally rankled Connery, a supremely gifted actor capable of playing a universe worth of different roles......which he eventually got to do, to the delight and eternal admiration of everyone who loves cinema.

                    So enough with the stupid, inane arguments about who was the best Bond.

                   No contest. Ever. 

                   Happy 90th to Sir Sean Connery, forever the perfect Bond and creator of a gallery of other eternally beloved characters.   (And 4 stars (****) for 'Dr. No')



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