CORA: Whaddya think, Fleshapoid? I bought it from 'Trumpy Treasures' on E-Bay!
BQ: Am I reading that right? It says......"It Is What It Is".....
CORA: Words to live by from a Presidential giant! Forget 'four score and seven years ago'.....forget 'we have nothing to fear but fear itself'.....forget 'ask not what your country can do for you'.....Trumpy put my whole Pandemic plague in easy to understand terms for all you terrified humans.....
BQ: True enough, Cora. By saying 'it is what it is', he basically said he doesn't give a shit one way or the other about you killing over 150,000 people........as long as he gets re-elected.
CORA: And now you know why I love him so! He's the best friend a lethal virus ever had. I could kill half a million more people and he couldn't give a rat's ass if he could just find a way to squeak through the electoral college again!
BQ: Cora, you and Trump make quite a formidable team together.........you destroy people's lungs while he champions idiocy, ignorance and ridiculous lies. It's a wonder any of us are left alive.....
CORA: Why, thank you!
BQ: From now on, though, you should keep him away from Jonathan Swan and Axios interviews. You see how easy it is for Swan to reveal Trump for the moron he is by simply asking follow-up questions every time Trump says something stupid.
CORA: I know, I know.......dumb move on Trumpy's part.. I can't tell you how many times I've turned down Axios sit-downs. That's why I only do exclusive interviews with you, Fleshnut....
BQ: But we think we've done a good job exposing you for the rotten germ that you are.
CORA: Yeah, you have.......but these little chats stay in the blogosphere and never show up on national television! Just like 'what happens in Vegas' blah blah blah......so I'm cool with that.
BQ: What about all this toddler whining Trump does lately? Stuff like 'Nobody likes me'....and 'why are Dr. Fauci's poll numbers higher than mine?'.....and 'John Lewis didn't come to my inauguration or State Of The Union speeches'.......
CORA: Oh you're right about that. He needs to knock that crap off. I swear, he sounds like one of those little kids gasping in the ICUs that I love to squeeze the life out of.......I can't stand those brats! That's why I can't wait to bump off a whole bunch more of 'em as they go back to school!
BQ: I almost forgot one.....his famous, "I've done more for the black community than any other President'....
CORA: And so have I, come to think of it! I've slaughtered black people in higher proportions than any other demographic. African Americans should thank me, now that they've got less mouths to feed at the dinner table! Trumpy and me, we're a double whammy for those folks......he promises whites to keep 'em out of the suburbs and I promise to kill as many of 'em as I can!
BQ: And the both of you are equally horrendous. We guess you're pleased Trump turned on another of his virus team, Dr. Birx, calling her 'pathetc' cause she dared to speak the truth of how widespread you are.
CORA: That meddling bitch! Who the **** does she think she is, letting people know what's really going on. I wish Trumpy would ditch those science nerds and just rely on the most dependable sources of advice.
BQ: You mean Fox News?
CORA: No, I mean me and Jared Kushner!
BQ: Cora, we think you've got something stuck in your tendrils......here, let us wipe it off for you....
CORA: Thanks.....hey wait, what's that in your hand?
BQ: Picked it up at Walgreen's.....a Clorox disinfectant wipe...
CORA: Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
BQ: If only these things worked on Trump the same way.......
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