Friday, August 28, 2020


The Brain from Planet Arous | Forgotten Films

 BQ:  Cora the Coronavirus......we must say, you look a little ridiculous with that mini American flag draped around your tendrils......

CORA:   You like it?  I wore it last the middle of the crowd in front of the White House while Trumpy gave his acceptance speech.

BQ:   You don't mean to say you were there last night?   In the middle of that mostly mask-less packed crowd of over 1500 people!!??

CORA:Oh, you betcha, fleshy!  How could I stay away?  It's like....Trumpy rang the dinner bell for me and yelled, "Come and get 'em!"

BQ:  In other words, he ignored the advice of his own medical team and created another super-spreader event so you could kill more people.......

CORA:   Can you blame me for lovin' Trumpy so much?   How the hell do you think I've been able to bump off almost 180,00 people so quickly?  And since, being a sociopath, he doesn't really give a shit one way or the other, I think I can hit my goal of half a million dead by Christmas morning!

BQ:  God help us all........

CORA:   Heh, heh......maybe you should pray with Trumpy's pal,  Jerry Falwell Jr.......that is, whenever he's not busy watching his wife pork the pool boy.

BQ:   What did you think of Trump's speech by the way?

CORA:  Love, love loved it!   Loads of lies and all that promising of American carnage if Biden gets elected........forgetting the fact that all the American carnage you fleshies face happened in the last 3 and 1/2 years.....under Trumpy.

BQ:  Well, he's still betting his supporters are stupid enough to swallow that bilge again...... 

CORA:  Of course they are. How do you think I got to feast on 1500 of 'em last night?   Didn't you notice there's no Republican platform?  No goals, no ideas......just subservience to Trumpy!  Imagine....that means I get 4 more years of people listening to him when he says I'll just go away!

BQ: Horrifying.......

CORA:  Cheer up, will, ya. If nothing else you'll have plenty of Law And Order if the Royal Trumpy Family is coronated in January.  There'll be lots of 17 year old Trumpanzees with AR-15's running around in the streets shooting protesters at random. Woo hoo!

BQ:  Not to mention the end of democracy as we know it.......

CORA:  I got even worse news for you, flesh-turd.......I'm supposed to keep this a secret till the day after the election, but I'll spill it to you right now.  Trumpy's gonna make me a member of the Cabinet!

BQ:  What????!!!  

CORA:   Why the hell not?  After all, I donated whole piles of dead people to his campaign,  especially black and brown people who would've voted against him. That's way better than his Post Office minion DeJoy, who had to cough up a shitload of money so Trump could put him in charge of destroying the mail......

BQ:  We're afraid to ask, what position did Trump promise you in his 2021 administration?

CORA:   'Secretary Of Homeland Cemetery' .....I'll be in charge of filling up the boneyards with even more dead Americans!  Trumpy says once he's President For Life, he'll suspend it won't matter how many people I kill since nobody'll be allowed to vote anyway.  Brilliant, huh?

BQ:  The stuff of nightmares.  Where did  we put that Lysol spray......

CORA:  Hey, don't get all testy. Just like Trumpy says, "It is what it is"   So vote Trump/Cora in November!  Remember our slogan, "Make America Sicker Again"

BQ:  What this spray does to you, hopefully Biden voters will do to your running mate.......

CORA:   Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh!

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