Monday, January 6, 2020


The Golden Globe Awards (2020)

                    The Hollywood crowd never had a more deserving host than Ricky Gervais....

                     Especially as they kicked off their tortuous 'awards season', where they subject the entire world to a several months long orgy of self-congratulation.........kissing their own pampered asses while lecturing us paycheck-to-paycheck proles to 'not be afraid to follow your dreams....'

                      And so the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, premier ass-kissers themselves, either from perversity or show-biz savvy, inflicted the acerbic Gervais on the star-studded assemblage.........

                      The result: the expected rancorous spectacle of Gervais hurling jokes brimming with withering contempt at the wincing, uncomfortable crowd of Hollywood-ites......

                        In the BQ's mission statement, this definitely came under the heading....'cool stuff to watch....'

                        Other highlights:  Joaquin Phoenix giving a brilliant wonderful performance.......playing an unhinged, manic depressive actor named Joaquin Phoenix. He nailed it....
And astounding moment when the show poked Disney in the eye by skipping over "Frozen 2" and "Toy Story 4" for "The Missing Link", one of those animated films that come and go in one weekend,  faster than the life cycle of a mayfly.

                        We're begging you, H.F.P. A..........throw enough money at Gervais to get  him to come back next year.......We don't know what the awards season would be without him........


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