Friday, January 24, 2020


             For uproarious comedy, BQ can't possibly compete with Baby Orange's lawyers.......

              Especially the one who publicly claimed Baby Orange is, and we quote...."a man of his word"

              Let's see anyone try to top that for a show-stopping laugh. We double-dog dare you.

              In reality, Baby Orange is a man of many words. The best words, he calls them.  And it does take a whole lotta words to comprise  the 16,000 lies he's told since taking office.......

              And so the impeachment proceeds.........until the Dark Lord Of The Senate, Yertle The Turtle, declares Baby Orange exonerated.......with no further evidence or witnesses allowed........just like a trial in Russia.......except the difference is we're the ones who get punished......

             No surprises here. We always thought impeachment was a monumental waste of can't possibly conduct a fair trial when the majority of the jurors are as soulless and spineless as a mass of beached jellyfish.......

               Come November, the real jurors will get to weigh in.......the millions upon millions of people who, unlike the GOP senators, don't spend their every waking hour grovelling before Baby Orange, smooching his cheeseburger-inflated ass........

                We speak, of course, of American voters. And after they've delivered their final verdict, it will probably fall to the military to forcibly drag Baby Orange out of the White House..........his fingernails still clawing at the Oval Office desk he thought he'd occupy until the last Bic Mac and supersized fries finally stopped his already cold, dead heart.

               After days and days of deliberations, presentations and debate (with more to come), it fell to Rep. Adam Schiff to sum the whole thing up in two simple words........

                That in the simple, primal, common sense task of discerning the difference between wrong and right.........right matters.

                 It bears repeating.  Right matters.

               That's what everything comes down to........the challenge hurled at the USA and the entire world since Baby Orange crawled out of the depths of hell to ascend to his reign of chaos hate and human suffering.......

                 Do we know the difference between right and wrong?

                 And if we do, do we conduct ourselves accordingly?

                 Come November 3rd, 2020........we'll all find out.

                 Stay tuned. . Right matters.

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