Tuesday, January 14, 2020


 Island Of Terror (1966)    We probably should have doubled this one up with our recent post on 'Island Of The Burning Doomed', since they both came from the same British production company and are similar in so many ways.......

            So here we again,  on another fun excursion to a remote, rustic isle somewhere off the British coast.......infested by creepy monsters........

           This one's a little more lively and gruesome than 'Doomed', which had chunk-o-rock aliens heating up the whole island like a plus-size microwave dinner.......

            'Island Of Terror's beasties are man made, botched lab experiments, accidentally created by scientists working on a cure for cancer.......

             How on earth their bubbling little test tubes spawned these large ungainly things is left to your imagination.......clearly, someone fell asleep at the bunsen burner......

             The 'silicates' as they come to be called by the terrified populace, resemble St. Bernard-sized armadillos with a snaky tentacle that pops out for convenient grabbing of victims........once grabbed, the silly-looking silicate, accompanied always by electronic wah-wah-wahs, sucks the bones right out of your body........leaving you as squishy and boneless as a pile of Chinese takeout barbecue ribs......or a GOP Trump enabler.......

            .......and also dead as a kitchen sponge, is case anyone hadn't figured that out for themselves.

             Sorry to report, Christopher Lee's not in this one, but we do get Peter Cushing and Edward Judd as two stalwart doctors who take on the task of combating the creepy-crawling bonesuckers along with the island's residents.......

              Even though the 'Sils' move at about 1 mile an hour, they catch plenty 'o people unawares and leave any number of poor folks de-boned and terribly deflated, ruining their whole day......

              By now you've read enough to know whether you'd run screaming from the sight of this movie, or if you can't wait to give it a warm hug while you chow down the popcorn........(for the BQ, of course, it's always the latter, we LIVE for movies like this.........)

               Cheesy, foolish and seriously ridiculous......we wouldn't have it any other way. 3 stars(***).......this is one dopey batch of cancer researchers who should have stuck to chemotherapy...

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