Wednesday, January 15, 2020


Spinning Out (2020)   Here's the Netflix formula for sucking you into one its typical 10 episode series......

                From the get-go.....keep it manic, keep it crazy, keep it bubbling over with angst and chaos.....from the first chapter to the last......

                 Which is no problem for this particular overstuffed, deep winter soap opera........since virtually all the characters are dysfunctional nut-jobs, workin' on their very last nerve........(and ultimately your nerves, if you hang around for the bitter end....)

                 Hitting the ice in Sun Valley, Idaho are a large collection of unsettled souls swirling around in the cutthroat world of competitive skating......(and we all know how much fun that is from "I, Tonya")......

                 .......and a cast of characters who make Tonya Harding look like Minnie Mouse.....

                 This generally miserable and misery-inflicting group includes a mother-and-two-daughters trio...(January Jones, Kaya Scodelario, Willow Shields)......with Jones and Scodelario punishing themselves and everyone around them with their endless, exhausting manic-depressive bouts......

                   In the interest of preserving our sanity, we'll make no effort to describe in detail the litany of woes and agonies afflicting everyone else circling around this miserable trio of women......which includes heavy boozing, racism, fractured hips, long lost loves, and a dash of pedophilia.....

                    You get the idea by now.........shameless melodrama amped up to almost absurdly comic levels.......designed to hook you at the start and keep you hooked until all 10 overheated episodes play out in their entirety........

                    And leave you panting for a second season.

                    So if you love this kind of stuff, you'll no doubt find it addictive.......even as you end up deeply ashamed for enjoying it.  For all those folks (and you know who you are), you should easily find this a 3 & 1/2 star (***1/2) wallow in frosted soap bubbles...…

                    For everyone who'd normally run screaming from stuff like this.......keep running.
1 star (*).......

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