Monday, January 13, 2020


The Academy Awards.........Seems like an eternity to us since the Oscars were a fun exciting event to look forward to.......

               Ancient it's a minefield of anger, hate, resentment and fodder for social media trolls........

                No wonder they can't find a host.'s equivalent to sliding down the Mare Of Steel from "The Long Ships"......

               Come to think of it, all the 'snub-ees' should thank their lucky stars for their puts them in the position of the Wrongfully Abused.........a role that every actor would kill for.....

                For example:

                Jennifer Lopez -  Born too late.....back in the day, Hollywood used to LOVE multi-media Princesses like J-Lo (remember Cher?)  But now?  It's all about high art......which means you're not allowed to wiggle your ass on awards shows and the Super Bowl if you hope to collect an Oscar....

                 Robert DeNiro........does anyone really care if he got left out of "The Irishman" noms?  Same old same old stuff he's been doing for decades. Yawn.

                 Frozen 2   - a well deserved snub......we don't care how many Kazillions it's a worthless cash-grab mess with a negligent, incomprehensible plot and not even an actual villain. And the songs suck too, including that one Idina Menzel has to burst several blood vessels to sing....

                 Adam Sandler and Eddie Murphy....... Sandler's paying the price for lifetime of low-grade sludge.....presumably, he'll make good on his threat to make a typical Sandler movie if he failed to win a nomination ("Jack And Jill 2" anyone? Be afraid. Be very afraid.) for poor Murphy, we do feel for him......c'mon Academy, it's time to forgive and forget over "Norbit".....

                  No women directors -   this is why we wish Ricky Gervais would crash the ceremony, run in and do one of his corrosive monologues before security wrestles him to the ground.......

                  Beyonce....we had to look up why anyone thought she'd be nominated......apparently, she wrote a song for that abysmal Disney greed-orgy, CGI atrocity,  "The Lion King". Case closed.

               And there....(as TV reporters love to say) have it. Maybe Joaquin Phoenix's Joker is the perfect character to represent today's Academy Awards........a manic-depressive psychotic aching for payback, validation, love, respect and validation by the multitudes.......

                 Sounds like a perfect description of the entire awards season to us.........see you on the red carpet February 9th......we'll bring the popcorn and tomatoes to throw at the celebs......

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