Saturday, October 13, 2018


Kanye leaves Baby Orange almost speechless........ At long last.....the Mad Emperor Of Trumpsylvania finds a Court Jester.......but the Emperor With No Mind realizes that he's picked a Jester who's his virtual twin.......a narcissistic psychotic cut off from all reality, except the random chaos that swirls inside his head......

Kanye claims wearing the MAGA hat makes him feel like a truth, Kanye,it makes you look more like the evil house slave played by Samuel Jackson in "Django Unchained"

Melania thinks she's one of the most bullied people in the world..........In other news, weather satellites circling the globe detecting massive seismic shifts in the atmosphere from the sheer amount of convulsive laughter heard around the world.......

Don Jr. trashes Saudi journalist who's most likely tortured and murdered by the Saudis......what this parasitic worm doesn't yet many prisoners in Federal jails currently dream of having him for their personal boy-toy bunkmate.......patience, boys, patience.......Robert Mueller may make your dreams come true......

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