Monday, October 8, 2018


Doctor Who -  The Woman Who Fell To Earth (2018)   Sorry to admit.......throughout our lifetime, we've only been a casual tourist through the 'Who -universe'.......skipping and hopping through whatever episodes that became available to us and that we had time to watch.......

              Sadly, just when we planned to hunker down and binge watch all the 'Who' seasons on Netflix......Netflix pulled it off their schedule.......(what we now consider one of our greatest lost opportunities....)

               So BQ eagerly assembled our sci-fi-fantasy-lovin' butt, along with the rest of the world,  in front of BBC America to watch the groundbreaking introduction of the 13th Doctor Who......and the first woman who......became our new Who......Jodie Whitaker.

                That's right, U.S.Senate Republicans........your worst nightmare - a really smart, independent woman who battles evil.....

                We're far from experts in Who-abilia, but we get that the new Doctor invariably arrives a bit addled and disoriented from having switched bodies with the previous Doctor.......

                 So we sympathize with Jodie Whitaker, in that she had to hit the ground running, talking up a storm, dealing with a scary intergalactic threat and attempting to put her own personal stamp on the character........that's a frightening, daunting task for any actor taking on a role that 12 other actors have already made their own, each in their own way.......

                  We imagine the next guy(or woman??) who takes over as James Bond from Daniel Craig will face a similar challenge.

                   Jodie Whitaker, as far as we're concerned, got it done.  With the whole Who fan base watching intently,  she delivered it all........humor, intelligence, humanity and wit at the speed of light......

                 For her First Official Monster do to battle with, the show came up with a doozy......a huge Predator-like lug who decorates his face with the teeth of his many victims......yummy.

                 And to the delight (we're pretty sure) of the vast, dedicated global mass of  Who-Fans, Whitaker, in the heat of battle, finally recalls and assumes. her identity, triumphantly shouting out the three words we've all been expecting...."I'm the Doctor!".

                  We don't know enough about the world of Doctor Who to call ourselves a knowledgeable fan, but we know what we like......and we won't miss any of Jodie Whitaker's episodes.  4 stars (****).......(we do hope, however.......if the Daleks come rolling through the Trump White House screeching "Exterminate! Exterminate!"......maybe Doctor Who could take that day off and just let the chips fall where they may.....)

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