Saturday, October 20, 2018


Baby Orange will capitalize "country" when referring to the USA.......and we here at BQ promise, when referring to Baby Orange, to capitalize Psychotic, Racist, Bully, Misogynist and Ass Kissing Dictator-Lover

Baby Orange lavishes praise on GOP minion who body-slammed a reporter.......Imagine if this guy had used a bonesaw to carve up the reporter.......Baby Orange might have awarded him the Medal Of Freedom........

"Maybe it was rogue killers......who knows....."   This was one of multiple theories that Baby Orange at first pondered to explain Khashoggi's murder.........others included Peter Pan whisking away Khashoggi to Never Never Land, and Khashoggi accidentally steeping through a consulate mirror and fallling into Wonderland.

 Baby Orange believes the Saudi story that Khashoggi walked into the Saudi consulate and promptly died in a fistfight........also, he absorbed a hard enough punch to break his torso and limbs into separate a stunning coincidence, the Saudis also considered using  the Peter Pan/Neverland explanation......

GOP purges thousands of voters in a desperate effort to stay in power......No wonder they join Baby Orange in his great love affair with Putin and Kim Jun Un........those guys know how to win elections......and when Putin and Kim purge voters, they stay purged.....permanently.....

Baby Orange snaps at '60 Minutes' Leslie Stahl...."I'm President and you're not".......and there's everything you need to know about the state of the planet earth today........the most powerful nation on earth in the hands of a monumentally stupid, 6th grade schoolyard Bully......(we did promise we'd capitalize that last word......)

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