Saturday, October 6, 2018


Baby Orange 'n Judge Brewski triumph......Kudos to the Bully-In-Chief and his future Pardon-Granter, .the esteemed Justice Keg-anaugh......

......quite an achievement - getting a pissed off, piss-drunk-at-parties, prep school penis waggler on the Supreme Court......maybe he should hand down his decisions signed "This Bud's for you...."

Baby Orange says he and Kim Jung Un....."fell in love".......maybe one day they can spoon  in a North Korean honeymoon suite.......after a passionate night of peeing on each other, it's off the hot tub and a cozy dinner for two featuring live executions of political prisoners.

"Imagine if I drank!"  ponders Baby Orange  Pardon us if we don't think about that......we're having a hard enough time imagining he's President......

Baby Orange mocks Kavanaugh accuser at a MAGA rally  Our Demagogue-In-Chief must sense when the on-camera Trumpanzees seated behind him are growing listless and bored.......that's when he knows it's time to sink to an all-new lower-than-low to wind them up again.........but we realize 'sinking to a new low' is a worn out, useless expression when applied to Baby he proves over and over again.......he's an infinitely soulless, bottomless abyss.....

The FBI report on Kavanaugh.........Breaking News......BQ's very own FBI informant, 'Deep Blofeld'.....e-mailed us a copy through the Dark's 29 pages of E-Bay sales on Ivanka Trump merchandise.......followed by one page reading, "Nothing to see here......move along...."

Baby Orange and Daddy revealed as titanic tax cheats.........Breaking news to absolutely no one........seriously, other than the brain dead, kool-aid drinking Trumpanzees, is there a soul on the planet who doesn't know that everything about Baby Orange, his past, his present, his entire a pile of steaming horseshit??

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