Monday, January 8, 2018


The Golden Globes Awards (2018)   It's a toss-up as to what's more depressing in the dead of winter........staring out the window at the snow drifts or the thought of roughly 2 more months of Hollywood-ites showering themselves with praise, dripping in all the inherent self-righteousness that comes from wealth and fame..........

             On the whole, we think a vast amount of people find this spectacle increasingly obnoxious, maybe due to the ever widening divide between the wealthy and the rest of the populace who work their asses into the ground to pay the mortgage, buy the groceries and attempt to fund their kids' college educations......(nobody hands them little statuettes for their ceaseless, tireless efforts...)

             So like more and more folks, we too tend to watch the awards shows with a jaundiced, distanced eye.  Nothing, but nothing makes us yawn wider than media pundits and umpteen movie bloggers blah-blah-blahing about who's going to take home how many awards at each successive ceremony.......

             Memo to Hollywood:   Who gives a shit?  Breaking news......we're all gonna wait till these movies show up on Netflix, Hulu, basic cable or the $5.00 bin at can blather all you want about how you celebrate resilience of the human spirit and champion the downtrodden.....we only tuned in to see one or more of you do or say something stupid and embarrassing......on national television......

            Our first random observations........the envelopes please....

    the new black   No question, an enormously entertaining sight....(in the long shots, it looked like a fancy-dress funeral for deceased royalty.).......the visual mass revolt against Jabba The Weinstein and similar now unemployed film industry scumbags was a sight to behold Forced into one color, the dress designers still exerted their imaginations.....making sure photographers continued to enjoy the usual peeks at actresses' chests and backs.  We applaud the guys who came in all-black tuxes....including the jacket, shirt and tie......cause they reminded us of dancers in the opening number of "Guys And Dolls"......

              Your fifteen minutes are up, Tommy........What's funny here: Tommy Wiseau, the new Ed Wood Jr., must now think he wrote and directed "The Disaster Artist".......until James Franco body-checked him before he could reach the microphone.  But we wish him well.......if Michael Bay can have a career, why not Tommy?

              Seth Meyers' jab at Jabba..........the assembled crowd needn't have groaned. Cause Jabba The Weinstein's eventual demise will most likely never end up on any awards show Memorial  montage. By the time this guy's cholesterol finally puts a merciful end to him, we guess anyone who still remembers him will shrug and go...."oh yeh....him."

             Kirk at 101.....What can we say? He's Spartacus!

              President Oprah?  The mere thought of the glorious spectacle of a 2020 election battle between Oprah and Baby Orange leaves us with more scrambled brain cells than your average retired NFL player. We don't want to think about what it would mean for the country.......other than huge sales of popcorn for home viewing........(we can't wait for the first debate, when Oprah shrieks , "You get a car! You get a car!....")

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