Friday, January 26, 2018


Shin Godzilla (2016)  Deep down, we know we're supposed to get in line and admire the hell out this Toho Company reboot of their very own,  most iconic monster........

                Bold choice here, turning a Godzilla movie into a verbose, slightly witty depiction of both Japanese and global machinations..........basically, Godzilla versus a befuddled, argumentative army of bureaucrats, gabbing away like they're all on an endless live feed from C-Span......

                 Skillful stuff indeed, with what looks like a cast of hundreds engaging in political maneuvering and white-knuckle decision making......blah-blah-blahing themselves into a coma.....

                  Just one little problem we's BORING. Not just ordinary check-your-watch boring. We're talkin' check your e-mails and your 20 favorite blogs boring.....

                 Which is something we never thought we'd write about any Godzilla movie.

                 Big G himself?   Some good, some bad, some goddamned weird.   The reboot has him as a constantly evolving organism........and boy does this movie bring the crazy with G's first incarnation........he looks like a rampaging Muppet character parade float.  Were we supposed to LOL or what?  Dunno. Ask the filmmakers.

                 Fear not. G finally turns himself into that big, scaly badass that the world adores. And he doesn't merely possess radioactive breath........this new improved G is a walking, roaring Chernobyl/Fukushima/3 Mile Island Death Star all by himself.

                 The government needs to kick this G's ass because his ass may be the only hole in him that doesn't shoot out nuclear death rays.

                 There's massive CGI destruction and devastation on display, but as in the American superhero smackdowns, little or no sense of the horrific human cost in lives.  It's limited to one brief stunning shot of some poor doomed woman shrieking as G pushes over her apartment building....

                 But the Big Guy's sequences get rationed out in tiny bits and pieces. Then we're right back to those long, long, LONG scenes of government guys, military guys and science guys hashing out what to do next.

                 And we went right back to checking out e-mails and blogs.......

                One big plus we will mention.......the soundtrack liberally laced with Akira Ifukube's original classic Godzilla themes. Always fun to hear again.

                 The rest of it?  Like we said.......admirable, we suppose. But sorry........a huge drag to sit and watch. We'll roar out only 1 & 1/2 stars (* 1/2). This G can sink back in the ocean.


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