Sunday, January 21, 2018


               Though we bow to no one in our overwhelming hatred of the colossally unfit Baby Orange........there's more than enough blame to spread around to everyone......

                 Congress  If this was a fair and just world, every single one of you assholes would should be thrown out of're all the equivalent of a McDonald's employee who falls asleep at the counter. The shift manager would have canned your worthless butts by now......

                  Democrats   You hapless dipshits need to go back and read "The Art Of War".  Shutting down the government over DACA?  Bonehead gave the GOP ample ammunition, making you the villain against the military, veterans and for all we know, starving kittens. If you can't learn where and when to wage your battles, Baby Orange will sit on you with his so-called svelte 239 pound ass......and you'll deserve it. Get smart, get a clue.

                   Baby Orange    What happened to "The Art Of The Deal"?  ("I'm gonna make great deals.....")  Further proof (as if any more was needed) that Baby Orange not only never read his own book, he never wrote it either.......

                   The Unpaid By Mexico Wall   Maybe all the MAGA redhats should hold their collective breaths until Mexico writes out the first jumbo check for the Wall.  Memo to Baby can save some bucks by just posting some of those TSA airport officers at the Rio know, the ones who spend 20 minutes patting down seven year old girls and eighty year old great grandmothers......

                   Republicans who lie for Baby Orange  ("I don't recall hearing him say that....")  Holy crap, the worst auditions we've ever seen for another remake of "The Manchurian Candidate". These guys play the most unconvincing zombies since Tor Johnson in "Plan 9 From Outer Space".  They should catch up on those old James Bond movies......remind themselves that Blofeld tosses away his loyal minions like used tissue paper....

                    The State Of The Union, after one year of Baby Orange......Make no mistake.....this is the most severe testing of the United States since the Civil War......with the country afflicted with a demented moron (as described by the people who work with him).....a creature who, in his own total self-obsession, embraces chaos and division across the land.  How much of this is survivable or repairable remains to be seen.    We can only pray......

                     And resist like hell.


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