Thursday, February 23, 2023


 The Menu (2022)    The one and only reason I resigned myself to watching this vomit-inducing atrocity came from my undying love and admiration for Anya actress for whom I'd sit down to view her reading from a phone book for two hours.......

           ATJ reading the phone book would've been infinitely more profound and entertaining than this wretched example of film festival culture-vulture-ism at its worst. 

          How do I despise this pretentious, self-satisfied turd of a movie......let me count the ways.....

           The filmmakers behind this phony, would-be social satire sought to blend their pathetic stabs at black comedy with artsy-fartsy horror.......once again, a prime example of delusions of adequacy gone off the rails......

            BQ's favorite Anya plays the gal pal of of a rabid foodie (Nicholas Hoult) who's been invited an exclusive  remote island restaurant......along with a host of other uppercrusters, all of them obnoxious in varying degrees. 

            The legendary master chef in charge (Ralph Fiennes) oversees an ominous kitchen staff who snap to his attention like a platoon of robotic Nazi stormtroopers. 

             As the weird evening proceeds, it first seems to lurch into 'Knives Out' territory, with assembled diners as the rich, entitled unusual suspects. But ultimately it's Chef Ralph's revenge feast on this gang who've wronged him in one way or another.......and death's on the menu for everybody...

             From that point on, tedious eye-rolling, supposedly shocking horror tropes get rolled out... and.all of this puffed-up nonsense leads to a climax  requiring the actors to abandon normal human behavior in service of .....well, I could almost hear the writers and director of this sludge patting themselves on the back for their false sense of ghoulish cleverness

             Grandiose, bogus garbage from beginning to end, "The Menu" more than earns BQ's worst of all possible ratings, the AFH....the ABOMINATION FROM HELL.

             And yet my love and admiration for Anya Taylor-Joy still stands.....she's terrific as always, and still worth the cinematic torture I endured for her.    

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