Monday, February 6, 2023


 Mame (1974)   I thought I might extract a fun guilty-pleasure experience watching this misbegotten attempt to film a Broadway musical based on the play and film "Auntie Mame".....

              Not even close. Sad, sad, sad. Like a tour through a dusty wax museum about to go out of business. Depressing. In fact, downright painful to watch......

                Mega-TV star Lucille Ball used her considerable influence and clout to clutch the lead role in the film version......thereby thwarting the casting of the Broadway show's star Angela Lansbury, who could sing up a storm and bring fierce acting chops to the role, both dramatic and comedic. 

               But in the early 70's, Lansbury was still known as only a reliable supporting role film actress who'd re-invented herself as a formidable Broadway diva.  She was still years away from becoming a beloved household name from her hit series "Murder She Wrote". 

               So Ball secured the coveted role of Mame Dennis, the eccentric and lovable, life-affirming New York socialite entrusted with raising her young orphaned nephew. 

                But as soon as film began production, Ball must have realized the role was far beyond her talent and acting range, not to mention her total, hopeless inability to sing or dance. 

                From its very first scene to its last, the film looks stillborn, stilted, stiff as its going through the motions. Ball tiredly troops through the movie with a weary, wan she well knows she stumbled into the wrong film altogether. 

                 Born trouper that she is, Ball soldiers on. But's a 130 minute train wreck to sit through. 

                 Yet the worst of the film is yet to come......Ball's croaking, barely audible attempts at singing the show's songs.  Supposedly the sound editors cobbled her recordings together by splicing in whatever lyric words sounded like she sung them on word at a time. Ghastly.

                At times, while taking a tortured stab at the songs, she attempts moving in unison with the choreographed dancers in the musical numbers......another of the film's sights I wish I could unsee.

                No need to go on.  Taken aback by the amount of critical vitriol the film received, Ball never made another movie......which was no cause for celebration, given she could've had her pick of projects more suited to her than "Mame". 

                Zero stars......a movie worthy only of a decent, permanent burial. Even guilty pleasure treasure hunters shouldn't waste their time. It's DOA......


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