Wednesday, September 7, 2022


Crimes Of The Future (2022)    Even if David Cronenberg didn't put his name in the credits as this film's writer-director, is there any hardcore movie buff alive who couldn't figure out who made it?

            Body horror taken to all new revolting extremes.

             Warped, mutated flesh on display everywhere.

             And deep squishy dives into ooey-gooey human organs.......autopsies on people still wide awake.

            Woooo hooooo.  Cronenberg at his most Cronenberg-iest.......finally making the movie he's been heading toward his entire career.

             As the title promises, it's the future. A future so overloaded with technology and synthetic substances, that humans have taken to speeding up their evolution.

             This....uh....evolution revolution, so to speak, involves people growing all new unheard of internal organs, or altering their guts so they can exist solely on a diet of toxic plastics......(so no need for the recycling bin are your own bin.)

            Some part of the ruling class dislikes this turn of events, so there's sort of a police force dedicated to stopping all these organs-gone-wild shenannigans. They've even got an office where an official tattooist (Kristen Stewart) can brand numbers on renegade organs.

           Speaking of organs gone wild, there's performance artists Saul Tensor and his partner Caprice (Viggo Mortensen, Lea Seydoux). Saul's afflicted with chronic growth of all new, undocumented organs which Caprice extracts from him in front of a packed house of paying customers. 

           They accomplish this hellish America's Got Talent routine on an ornate antique autopsy machine that looks like a leftover prop from a Guillermo De. Toro movie.

            Need I go on any further?   

             You're either salivating at the very thought of watching this film or you probably stopped reading this review after the first few sentences........

             For true-blue Cronenbergians, it's a gold mine, as personal a film as he's ever created, in that it deals with people who've raised the corruption and altering of human flesh into an art form, a statement of the human condition........much like Cronenberg himself. 

           For the faithful who've followed the director through projects like "Shivers",  "Scanners", "Rabid", "The Brood", "Crash", "The Fly", here's your 4 star (****) Holy Grail. 

            Everyone else.......don't come near this without a barf bag or a small wastepaper basket......



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