Friday, June 3, 2022


                 So much many worthy worms.......where to even begin......well, we gotta start somewhere, so it might as well commence with this odious slug, a true disciple of Trump if ever there was one......

WORM OF THE WEEK # 1 - UVALDE SCHOOL DISTRICT POLICE CHIEF PETE ARREDONDO.....How this grotesque slithering slug, Jabba The Cowardly Hut, ascended to the job of police chief will forever confound us all, and forever will strike rage and tears among the parents of the slaughtered Uvalde schoolkids.  This simpering blob, who kept his police force out of harm's way while brave teachers made a futile effort to keep their innocent doomed children from dying horribly under a hail of bullets, must have a special room in hell awaiting him.......

             As if we couldn't figure out the depth of his cowardice and inompetence already, he dodged a CNN reporters questions under the guise saying he's trying to be respectful of the grieving families, taking false cover under the grief of people whose agony he partly responsible for.  A true worm of worms

WORM OF THE WEEK # 2 - TEXAS CONGRESS-IDIOT LOUIS GOHMERT   Until he was eclipsed and out-crazied by fellow GOP goblin Marjorie Taylor Greene, Gohmert cavorted wildly as the the prime member of Republican Klown Car, with an I.Q. hovering somwhere between a cockroach and a carrot

             In a "how dare you!" rage, he Zoom-screamed at democrats, ".....when people on the other side of the aisle come in and accuse Republicans of being complicit in murder and that we our put our right to kill over other's right to live, to infer by "who are you here for" that we must be here for the dare you!"

                Which leads us to believe that Louis may possess one or two functioning brain cells.....because all that stuff that came before the 'how dare you'....truer words were never spoken about the Republican party......


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