Thursday, June 9, 2022


 Jackass Forever (2022)    We don't doubt for a minute that there's a vast, vast audience out there who fall into hysterical laughter at the sight of grievous bodily harm inflicted on some guy's penis and testicles.

            Hence the legendary success of the "Jackass" TV series.

            And now here's the gang back together, some sporting the gray hair of middle age, assembling once again to subject their shlongs, cojones and other assorted body parts to bees, bears, spiders,, condors, bulls, punches, wedgies, electricity.......well, you get the idea.....

          At least there's nod to gender diversity, with a girl Jackass who undergoes the equivalent of a Botox lip injection via a helpful scorpion......

            We must ask, 96 minutes, can even the target audience for this movie stand to watch that much sustained jackassery for that long?

            To put it mildly.....very much like the the Jackasses themselves, it's all getting a little old. 

              Honest admission - yes, we laughed a few times at the sheer audacity of the amount of pain doled out to the dauntless crew.  But our few chuckles paled next to the non-stop gales of hysterical giggling that erupt from the Jackasses themselves after every stunt. 

             Seriously, really think every lunatic prank you played on each other was that funny? By the 20th or so gag, you all began to sound like a canned laugh track from a 1950's sitcom.....

            Nothing left to add here......since a movie like this proudly declares itself as the living definition of the phrase...."it is what it is...." 

             For "Jackass" fans, it's automatic, required 3 &1/2 star (***1/2) viewing.

             For casual tourists who wouldn't mind sampling a few 'Jackass' stunts', it's  a tiresome, overlong 1 star (*)......unless you restrict your viewing of it to increments of 5 minutes or less. Over a period of weeks......

            Everybody else who doesn't fall into either of those categories should briskly move on to any of our other film reviews besides this one......


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