Sunday, August 8, 2021


            Sorry for our absence, since medical issues (not COVID related) kept us off the blogosphere for a few on this lazy Sunday afternoon, we might as well plunge into the madness.......


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.....proving himself a true Trumpian bottom-feeder, falling somewhere on the evolutionary scale between toenail fungus and bacteria. It hasn't yet dawned on this moron that his strenuous efforts to enable the spread of COVID throughout his state is quickly wiping out not only his adult voters, but their kids as well.  A hero of MAGA-World for sure......

More scary info about Baby Orange trying coerce the DOJ to help his addition to his many many other failures as both a President and a human being, he turned to be the world's worst would-be Banana Republic dictator.....

Gov. Cuomo resists calls to resign.......or to quote one of our favorite Jesse Ventura lines from "Predator"...."....he's dug in there like an Alabama tick...."  Time for the New York state legislature to dig him out.....

Ashton Kutcher, Mila Kunis and other celebs not bathing their kids.......just remember to bring Fabreze of Lysol spray should you approach them for an autograph.......

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