Friday, August 13, 2021


               As always, more than enough madness to contend with, most of it due to the lingering stench of the previous four years........

Baby Orange asks America, "Do you miss me yet?"   After we stopped choking on our own hysterical laughter, we thought we owed this question a carefully considered, reasonable response........

               The following we would add to a list of other things we'd miss  equivalent to Baby Orange.....these include......

                 Explosive diarrhea..........

                 Testicular cancer.

                 Pus-filled adolescent acne pimples.

                 Genital crabs

                  Adolf Hitler

                   We could go on and on, but we think our point's been made..........

British mass shooter madman turns out to be a gibbering absolutely nobody's surprise. Further proof that the living cancer that is Donald Trump carries across oceans to infect other involuntary celibate sickos......Baby Orange's primary demographic.

The rabid anti-maskers.......ponder, for a moment, the profound evil insanity of these people, who would rather see children struck down by COVID,  gasping out  their last dying breaths into a ventilator.  And we all know too well who spawned these brain dead Kool-Aid drinkers.....


Senator Rand Paul's wife bought up Remdesivir stock while he spread COVID disinformation......we've gotta give this worm credit......nobody, except maybe the idiot Trumpanzee governors of Texas and Florida, works harder to crown himself America's first official Village Idiot and Biggest Asshole In the U.S.  A true Trumpian achievement. 

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene on the pandemic sure....."we can't live forever"......this question lingers with us......will there be anyone left who'll remember when the GOP was a legitimate, conservative political party before Baby Orange transformed it into a death cult populated with drooling loons like MTG?



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