Friday, August 27, 2021


               How would we ever start the weekend without the usual litany of lunacy.......

Baby Orange loses control of this Trumpanzees.......who boo him (yes BOO him) when  he dares to suggest they take the vaccine to save their worthless, miserable lives......

Watching this ludicrous, but inevitable scene unfold, we don't know whether to cringe in anticipatory horror or laugh out loud.......

All Baby Orange ever wanted from his MAGA morons was their undying adoration and applause....

He  never much cared what he said to get it,. And he never spent a moment worrying about the effect his toxic lies and hate-fueled rhetoric would have on his brain dead followers, who tossed away their sanity, decency and whatever morals they had left to embrace him. 

And now he's lost control of them.  He's now a panicked Dr. Frankenstein, trying to placate the lurching, shambling monster he's created. 

He gave them an alternate reality to live in......devoid of truth or any shred to common sense. 

And that's where they're taken up permanent residence, no matter what he says to them now.  They boo any mention of vaccines and masks.......which might keep them and their children from taking their last breath with a ventilator jammed down their throats.

Should we laugh at them or weep for them?   You figure it out.......we've given up trying......

Rudy Giuliani video'd  shaving while eating at an airport........well, at least he didn't drip hair dye into his lunch.......

South Dakota biker rally drives up the COVID infections, as predicted......Maybe these guys need a new song to replace 'Born To Be Wild'......a funeral march? 

Brooklyn, New York priest warns parishioners to avoid taking the vaccines.......since they contain aborted fetal we're guessing 'pro-life' doesn't extend to his flock, whom he expects to just suck up the COVID and die with 'Hail Mary' on their lips........

GOPers want to re-invade all means. We support them 100 per cent. Just as long as they're willing to strap on body armor, pick up a rifle and join our troops themselves, standing at the very front of the harm's way.......

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