Tuesday, August 10, 2021


               Here's a quick roundup of entertainment tidbits that nobody should give a rat's ass about......

The "Jeopardy" guest host scam......Nice one pulled off by executive producer Mike Richards.....who suckered us all into watching the parade of guest hosts all spring and summer long, with the belief that some of them were auditioning for the job as a full time gig.   Little did any of us know Richards planned all along to anoint himself as the permanent host.    We'll make it a true Daily Double on the clue "He's the slick operator who screwed over Levar Burton"  (Who is Mike Richards.....)

ScarJo Vs. Disney........ We tossed and turned all night, terribly worried that Scarlett could be cheated out of even more millions (over and above the 20 mil she already pocketed)......all because those greedy Mouse House bastards showed her movie on Disney Plus, which she doesn't get a piece of evidently......and we're sure those of you who had to take out a second mortgage to buy enough toilet paper for the next Covid Variant pandemic feel the same way as well, right?

                Disney, however, might want to second guess their move of going full lash-back Trump on ScarJo, revealing themselves for the mean-spirited moneygrubbers that they are.  Seriously guys.....accusing an actress of insensitivity to the pandemic while you can't wait to throw open the theme park doors to thousands of people? 

And speaking of comic book movies.......we're tempted to mutter "a plague on both their houses" regarding the studios and the theater chains locked in combat over showing the Big Tentpole movies simultaneously on streaming services like Disney Plus and HBO-Max.

We do feel some amount of empathy for the chains, since the Tentpole Junk has become their sole lifeline to keeping their noses above water in this worst of all possible Pandemic worlds......

But we can't scrape up a drop of sympathy for the studios, who now operate in an atmosphere so creatively barren and soulless that all they can do is grind out sludge like "Cruella", "Jungle Cruise" and increasingly exhausted, tiresome superhero movies.

The good news....we think.....is the diminishing returns that junk movies are bringing in, such as last weekends disappointing results of "Suicide Squad".  We're starting to entertain a thought that maybe the comic book well is running dry for audience tastes......hence the trend for these films to devolve into self-referential parody and mindless nihilism.

 Finally, one last really, really worthless showbiz tidbit.....the whiny mea culpas of Ryan Adams....we've yet to figure out how this grungy, scruffy little character ever ended up married to Mandy Moore......(and we're guessing Moore still wonders about it too....)

No doubt women everywhere enjoyed a short chuckle reading about Adams bemoaning his culture cancellation for his long history of sexual harassment.......losing his recording deals and possibly forced to live in his sister's basement. 

We feel for him with about the same fervor that we feel for Warner Brothers over their soft 'Suicide Squad' grosses......

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