Monday, August 16, 2021


The Suicide Squad (2021)    In "Unforgiven", a callow youth, having just shot someone dead, anxiously asks the veteran killer played by Clint Eastwood, "He had it comin', right"

               Mutters Clint, "Kid, we all got it comin'".........

                And just in time for Pandemic - The Sequel, here, at last, comes the comic book superhero movie we all had comin;........

                At last, the junk movie we've really, truly been asking for, in the darkest of the dark souls that none of us would dare to reveal.

               Not that ever stopped writer-director James Gunn.....who with this movie, firmly establishes himself as the Sam Peckinpah of the the cinematic comic book universes that have engulfed pop culture and clogged theaters in the last 20 years or so. 

                That's why we think of "The Suicide Squad" as the 'The Wild Bunch' of such films........a film in which all the genre tropes are upended, warped out of all shape and soaked in gallons of blood.

                Nihilistic, pitched at an insane level of intensity, populated with irredeemably obnoxious violent creeps and flooded with slaughterhouse gore. 'The Suicide Squad' arrives as truly a movie that matches our times.........

                 What better a movie to be released while Trumpanzees and assorted rabid dog anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers scream about preserving their God given right to fill up ICU beds with dying children gasping for breath?

                   What better a movie to be released while we sit back and watch the spectacle of a prehistoric Middle East country, a primitive land we spent trillions and oceans of blood to to try to tame, civilize and pacify, slip back into unimaginable savagery?

                  In essence the Trumpanzees and the Taliban are the real life Suicide Squads, so it's no wonder that a mere movie has to attain all new heights of utter madness and carnage to keep up with them......

                   No, we're in no way going to spend time detailing the accumulated lunacies of this movie can get that from 3,000 other film review sites, blogs and entertainment newsfeeds.....

                   Other than to reiterate that here stands the superhero movie we richly deserve. And if you're feeling burned out, exhausted and downright bored with the ceaseless cascade of Marvel and DC movies and their interlocking storylines, heroes, timelines and whatever..........then here's the last comic book movie you'll ever need to see.......

                    Uh......until the sequel.......maybe.

                    If you've ever longed to see one of these films surrender all pretense to a moral compass and hurl itself into a life-sucking abyss of mindless depravity, then it's a 3 star experience...(***).

                   Says the Squad member dubbed 'Peacemaker'...."I cherish peace with all my heart. I don't care how many men, women and children I kill to get it...."

                   What more do we need to say?  "The Suicide Squad" functions both as a movie and a mirror to our current lives........

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