Friday, August 20, 2021


               Couldn't close out the weekend without the usual madness.....

Trumpanzee threatens to blow up the Capitol.......and told a judge he hasn't taken his "mind medicine" for two long last, the answer to the mystery of what makes Trumpanzees lose their minds and sacrifice their sanity, their morals, and whatever shreds of humanity they still clung to. They're all off their mind medicine.  Ah, that explains it.......

The "My Pillow" guy......yet another Trumpanzee who's been off his 'mind medicine' for quite some time now.  Can someone just prepare a special room for this padded from wall to wall with 'my pillows'?

The "Jeopardy" Jerk steps down from hosting.......we're so sick of this guy, the executive producer who anointed himself host after a lengthy parade of tryout auditionees, we'll not even mention his name. He's already had way too much publicity.   The bad news part of the story - Sony will continue the tryout trainwreck even when it's clear to everybody that they should've picked Levar Burton in the first place one should escape blame here......we're talking 20 years of terrible decisions, all the way through four Presidential administrations......from Bush to Obama to Baby Orange to Biden. They all share the blame......starting with that feckless idiot W. and his Machiavelli-In-Chief, Dick Cheney, thinking they could turn the medieval Middle East into peaceful democracies (and keep the oil flowing).  The worst part of all this.....Biden's massive failure to comprehend what was going on will inevitably lead to the continued, toxic plague of Trumpanzees in local, state and federal government......

                And make no mistake about this...... in their lunacy, zealotry and idiocy, Trumpanzees are as dangerous to America as the Taliban is to Afghanistan........

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