Wednesday, May 12, 2021


Falling by T.J. Newman (release date   7/6/21   Now here's something we haven't done yet......give all you wonderful BQ visitors the coming attraction scoop on one of the upcoming hottest reads of the summer. Mark that July date on your calendars, 'cause you you want to hit the bookstore and grab this one as soon as it's on the shelves......

               Our vast thanks to NetGalley for an advanced copy of what we think will be the all time best beach-iest Beach Book of this or any other summer. (or any other season, in fact)

           We're exhausted as we write this......from gobbling the book up in one sitting which stretched into the way too early hours of the morning.  "Falling" reminded us of every single Bruce Willis-Harrison Ford-Arnold Schwarzenegger-Sylvester Stallone high octane, non-stop action thriller that ruled the 1990's. 

             You will definitely want to tighten up your seat belts and make sure your tray's in the upright position for this one.......and make sure to pay attention to the flight attendant's little safety procedure demonstration too.

               The premise here is damn near irresistible,  The pilot of a fully packed jet passenger plane in mid-flight finds himself offered a horrific choice by a terrorist who's taken his wife and children hostage at their home -either deliberately crash the plane or his whole family dies at the terrorist's hands. 

                 While the family-in-peril suspense heats up on the ground level, on the plane an unlikely trio of Scooby-gang flight attendants desperately try to save the plane and defend its passengers.... one of whom may well be an on board terrorist accomplice. 

                 We would not dare spoil 'the onslaught of shocking twists, surprises and reversals of fortune that spill out as this wild tale races to its conclusion.  This book had us tearing through the pages so fast, it probably generated a breeze.  If we weren't afraid of smearing up the Kindle, we would've read this while munching through one of those giant movie theater tubs of buttered popcorn, the kind you need to take out a second mortgage on to buy. (We'll just have to wait for the film version to indulge in that particular pleasure....)

              To say it more simply, "Falling" is unquestionably a 5(*****) star theme-park, upside-down rollercoaster thrill ride that you do not want to miss, a most definite FIND OF FINDS.

                  We can't even remember when we had this much pure, unadulterated fun from a reading experience...... and we can only wonder about T.J. Newman, the former bookseller and flight attendant who  wrote it.......what in the hell can she do for an encore after this?   We can hardly wait.

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