Friday, May 14, 2021


               We want to get this crapola off our chest today, so we don't have to think about any of least for the weekend.....before it starts all over again. 

                  Trump's can smell the flop sweat on Baby Orange as his tiny fingers type his usual tripe. Almost as if he realizes his MAGA Trumpanzees don't like to read more than two or three simple sentences......

                   Ellen DeGeneres ends her talk show......using the old 'time to move to new challenges' spin, which beats saying, "Once you all found out what an asshole I really am, you killed my ratings...."

                   The GOP goes full Rev.Jim Jones Kool-Aid cult.......They finally threw out the shreds of their sanity, along with their moral compass. They don't even have to pretend to be an actual political party anymore......they're more like Ernst Blofeld's army of jump-suited minions in a James Bond movie.....too brainless to realize their Fuhrer considers them expendable......

                   Liz Cheney..,,,La Liz relentlessly pushed Baby O's agenda through Congress until she watched him and his goons try to establish a Fourth Reich in America. So that was a bridge too far for her?  Come one now, Lizzie......did you really believe the Orange Virus would help you go to war to bring democracy to more unwilling foreign countries?   Dictator-For-Life of this country was his only goal...... 

                    The GOP Ministry Of Untruth says January 6 was like a "tourist visit" presumably, they next time they take the family to the beach, they'll find the nearest cops and attempt to beat them to death........

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