Wednesday, May 12, 2021


Norman Lloyd (1914-2021)

 His place in cinematic history lives forever in every movie buff's memory.......

             As Frank Fry, the weasel-like Nazi agent who torches an American arms factory and blows up an American ship in New York harbor........smirking in satisfaction until he's cornered - on the torch of the Statue Of Liberty.

               From that height, in Alfred Hitchcock's "Saboteur", Frank Fry, played by young actor Norman Lloyd, plunges to his death.....his wailing scream and agonized face caught in a startling special effects shot. 

               Fry died, but Norman Lloyd lived on until passing a few days age 106. We should all be so blessed as to lead a live so long and so creatively brilliant.

                You could say that after his spectacular demise in "Saboteur", Lloyd had nowhere to go but up....and that he did. 

               He spent a long rich lifetime, through two centuries as a prolific and constantly working producer, director and actor. in films, "In Her Shoes",  "Spellbound") TV series ("St. Elsewhere") and numerous stage productions. 

                 During his long association with Hitchcock, Lloyd served as the producer of  the director's two long running TV series, "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" and "The Alfred Hitchcock Hour"

                 Rest In Piece to a true Renaissance man of all the performing arts. An amazingly artistic life, so well lived.

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