Wednesday, May 12, 2021



                 Let us now say a few passing words in the memory of the rapidly crumbling Hollywood Foreign Press Association and their much-ridiculed but unintentionally entertaining awards show, The Golden Globes.......

                   Superstars like Tom Cruise and Scarlet Johannsen are bailing out on the Globes and NBC drop-kicked the Globes off the network for 2022, giving them a year to clean up their act......

                   What's funny and ironic about all this is what finally led to the Globes' undoing........

                   It wasn't the fact the HFPA consisted of a motley crew of corrupt bottom feeders who weren't above selling their distinguished "awards" to the highest bidder.

                    Just ask the woeful, untalented starlet-for-10-minutes Pia Zadora, who got her "New Star Of The Year" Globe courtesy of her check-writing wealthy husband. 

                    This kind of low-rent crap went on for decades, but no one minded too much. After all, the ceremony functioned as a breezy bright kickoff to the start of awards season, with liquored-up celebs schmoozing each other at the banquet tables.

                    It took Ricky Gervais's corrosive turns as the show's host to put the Globes in true perspective.....a jokey, drunken bash for Hollywood to indulge in all their self-satisfied preening.....and pretend to laugh as Gervais took them to task for it.......

                    But  none of the Globes scandals and Gervais's verbal grenades made a dent in them over the years.

                    What it took was the army of Social Justice Warriors and Hollywood's opportunistic wokesters to point out the Globes, incredible as it may seem, managed to maintain themselves as an all white organization. 

                    So there the Globes sit, in the deep doo-doo and if they manage to slap together an awards show next year, they'll be lucky if they can convince the Home Shopping Network to set aside a half hour for them. 

                       We're tempted to say 'good riddance'.......but we'll miss the inebriated acceptance speeches and hosts' monologues that trash the event itself. Farewell to a Guilty Pleasure......

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