Saturday, March 27, 2021


                 As usual, all the madness in this wrap-up leads back to one the worst excuses for a human being that ever walked the planet.

Baby Orange claims his Capitol riot fascist mob was "hugging and kissing" the police.......and in full delirium, said his rabid Trumpanzees posed "zero threat".......

                Maybe he should call the family of the police officer his goons killed and explain that to them. 

                Maybe he should call the police officers who had their heads and bodies bashed by American flags wielded by his goons and explain they faced "zero threat"

                Maybe he should sneak into every newsroom in the country and erase the videos of his goons trying to violently overthrow U.S. democracy while they carry a noose with which to hang Mike Pence.

                 Maybe he should try hypnotizing the whole country into believing what they didn't see what they saw on January 6th. 

                  No. That won't work. Mass hypnosis only works on Trumpanzees.

Georgia passes its massive voter suppression law.......turning the clock back about 160 years, back to them good old days when black folk knew their place and didn't try get all uppity and think they could actually go the polls and.....God help 

                We can well understand Georgia Trumpanzees in the state legislature passing this bill......after all, look what happened in the last election.  Thousands upon thousands of them colored folk  showin' up to throw out the Lord And Savior Of White America, Donald J. Trump.

                 That simply cannot stand. 

And the Department of Who-Gives-A-Flying F***......we've added the following that we couldn't give a rat's ass, a rolling donut or a flying f*** about.......

                 All news, rumors, and controversy related to Harry and Meghan.

                  All news related to Zack Snyder's 4 hour cut of "Justice League"

                 Any breaking reveal news about who wore the "Masked Singer" costumes

                All news about Steven Spielberg's planned movie about his childhood

                 Any words, thoughts and/or complete sentences that come out of Sean Hannity's mouth.

                Anything at all related to "American Idol" and "The Voice"

                 Whatever the next imbecilic statement that comes out of Sen. Ron Johnson.

                 Any announcement about a new streaming service that charges an extra 8.99 to watch old TV shows and movies that everybody lost interest in.

                 Any story, product, tweet or instagram with the name' Kardashian' attached to it.

                 Pelaton ads. 

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