Tuesday, March 30, 2021


 BQ:  Cora!  Thought I'd give you the breaking news that we got our first COVID vaccine shot today.

CORA:  Sacrilege!  Blasphemy!  How dare you, I was so looking forward to killing you off.

BQ:  Well, thanks to Trump's lies and assorted idiocies, you managed to kill a whole lot of people who might have survived if there'd been a sane adult in the White House.

CORA:  But didn't you hear? I'm making a comeback!  There's still who knows how many morons in this country going maskless.....I may get to finish off a whole shitload of people before I'm wiped out.

BQ:  Sadly yes.

CORA:  That doddering old fart Biden......who the hell does he think he is, flooding the country with vaccine.

BQ:  He's the President Of The United State, Cora. For the first time in 4 years, a real one.

CORA:  Yeah, he's no fun at all. Won't lift a finger to help me like my beloved Trumpy did.

BQ:   Speaking of no fun. we've a parting gift for you, since we don't plan to speak to you ever again.

CORA:  Awww, you shouldn't have. What'd you get me?

BQ:   A huge spray can of Moderna vaccine. Here, have a snort on us.....

CORA:  Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......God bless Trumpy!  Arrrrggggggggghhh!

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