Monday, March 1, 2021


                  Friday would have been way too soon to do a madness wrap-up, since so much lunacy rolled during this past weekend.  Fasten your seat belts, 'cause here we go.....

                   The Golden Globes....... We get that other major awards ceremonies may consider themselves vital and important enough to carry on virtually.......dishing out the trophies in  an event that's reduced to a long, long celebrity zoom meeting...... (such as the Oscars, the Emmys, Grammys and so on.....)

                     But come we really need that technology applied to the laughable, always disreputable cringe-o-palooza Golden Globes?  

                   The only reason anyone would waste a minute of their lives on the Globes is to watch the spectacle of liquored-up movie and TV stars co-mingling and making embarrassing stupid speeches.  And who gives a flying **** about the idiocy of the categories and the dubious legitimacy of the Globes organization itself, rife with corruption for decades?

                     Turning this raggedy clown show into yet another tedious Zoom-a-thon defeats the whole purpose of  the give all of us, in the dead of winter, something to ridicule, mock and feel superior to.

                    We'll give 'em this much.......just when you think the Globes infrastructure can't get any worse, they find a way to sink lower.......with this year's revelation that they have no black journalists in their membership. 

                   And how is that even possible, given the Hollywood Foreign Press Association represents European and Asian countries?   Say what now?  

                   Maybe the entire Globes outfit operates from Norway.......which would immediately would make it Donald Trump's favorite awards show.......

                  As Tina Fey so perfectly put it in the Globes promo spot......the stakes were never lower. 

                    Baby Orange wows 'em at the CPAC Nuremburg Rally    What a perfect venue for one of the most vile human beings on Planet Earth........a gathering of GOP Kool-Aid drinkers that makes the Star Wars cantina look like the Vienna Boys' Choir. 

                   And no 'Saturday Night Live' skit could ever compete with the sight of Baby Orange's golden doppelganger statue.........the only thing missing was Edward G. Robinson's 'Ten Commandments' character asking for human sacrifices to the Great Golden Turd. 

                 For the entertainment of  his brain-dead cult of Trumpanzees, Baby O. launched into his usual Greatest Hits's a wonder how even he can still stay awake while delivering it. 

                 AOC gets tossed into the Cruz-inart......only a writhing bottom-feeder like Ted Cruz would incorporate his infamous Cancun jaunt as part of his stand-up routine for the grotesque would-be fascists of the CPAC crowd. It rankles Cruz-zilla no end that New York congressperson  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez managed to raise 5 million for Texans who froze while he jetted off to Mexico. 

                  What's even matter how far Ted jams his nose up Baby Orange's vast anus, Baby Orange will still think Croozy's wife barks at the moon and his father killed JFK.......

                  Andrew Cuomo Crashes And Burns........this latest Emperor-With-No-Clothes serves as a cautionary tale on the power of deceptive imagery......

                   As the pandemic raged and thousands died, America desperately looked for a leader who displayed intelligence, common sense, a strong comforting persona, a no nonsense attitude in dealing with imminent danger......

                  In other words, all the qualities Donald Trump lacked while performing on his bizarre, ridiculous news conferences filled with denial, delusion and utter dementia....(bleach, anyone?)

                 So Cuomo stepped up to the plate and for a brief shining moment, enjoyed a media make-over as 'American's Governor'.......

                 Until we found out he was just another lying, loathsome political scumbag, covering up his lethal mistreatment of elderly New York Covid victims as well his his toxic sexual harassment of his female staff members.

                  But behold, before Cuomo's true nature became painfully apparent, that glorious  ephemeral moment in the sun he enjoyed in the public eye, simply by acting sane, decent and competent........every quality so completely alien to the Mad King Trump and his slimy minions and enablers.

                  That's all it took to make Cuomo appear like a breath-of-fresh-air bastion of normality in a country besieged by not one but two deadly viruses.....Corona and Trump.  No wonder the country embraced him, if only for his 15 minutes of benevolent fame.

                  And with that food for disturbing thought, we wish you all a happy Monday a wonderful week ahead and the comfort of knowing winter will eventually end....... See you tomorrow! 



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