Thursday, October 17, 2019


               Exclusive! Baby Orange sent Beached Quill a letter...….

                We re-print it here in its entirety...…..

                 Dear BQ:

                             Let's make a good deal!  You don't want to be responsible for continually trashing me on your blog and I don't want to have to assign you one of my imbecilic, 2nd Grade nicknames ("Potty-Mouth Scotty")

                             History will look upon you favorably if you submit to a lobotomy so you can attend my rallies. It will look upon you forever as the devil (you know, like that little girl who spits green puke and sounds like me appearing on "Access Hollywood") if you keep posting unkind things about me. Sometimes you behave nastier than.....than....nastier than....a woman.

                              Don't be a tough guy! Don't be a fool!  I will call you later if you'll please unblock my calls.

                               Love always...(and I usually only use this closing for Kim Jung Un)….
                                           Donald J. Trump

(BQ note:  We did the same thing with this letter that Turkey's president Erdogan did with his.....threw it out, but only after using to scoop up litterbox clumps....)

In other breaking news...….

                       Baby Orange announces new reality show TV Pilot...….titled "No Hard Feelings", it features Baby Orange introducing grieving parents to the person who ran over their children, turning them into roadkill......says, B.O.: "Nothing pumps up ratings like a heartless ambush!"

                         Baby Orange tells Democrats that Communists in Syria will make them happy.... and waves a piece of paper while screaming, "I have in my hands the names of 75 Syrian Communists!"

                       Baby Orange says the Kurds live in sand.....a lot of sand......but not nearly as much sand as the amount in Baby Orange's head...…

                      Baby Orange calls Nancy Pelosi a '3rd Grade' politician...….cheer up, Nancy. 3rd Grade?  That still puts you 3 grades higher than Baby Orange.....who has yet to graduate Day Care.

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