Monday, October 28, 2019


               World Series fans boo Baby Orange, chanting "Lock Him Up!"........ in related news, Attorney General Barr convenes a Grand Jury to investigate and indict the entire stadium crowd........

                Baby Orange makes sure that Russia is first on the list of people to thank for killing the Isis leader......and once again, Putin puts the "peeing on the whores" photos back in his office safe......until needed again.

                Baby Orange's "press secretary" minion snipes that General John Kelly was 'unequipped' to handle the 'genius' of Baby Orange.........(and we know what you're thinking but we did not make this up.....)........Gen.Kelly does admit that upon accepting the job of White House Chief Of Staff, he refused to undergo the mandatory lobotomy operation required of all White House staff and cabinet members......

                Baby Orange trumpets "He died like a dog!" about takedown of the Isis leader....and thereby makes himself the greatest ever recruitment ad for 1000's more future Isis terrorists ......and also promises he'll never use Ivanka, Don Jr. and Eric as human shields when when New York 3rd District cops show up with arrest warrants.............

                  But enough madness for today (until the next 'round)........back tomorrow with more Halloween horror know, fictitious horror instead of the real horror of Baby Orange headlines.......

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