Thursday, October 31, 2019


Night Of The Creeps (1986)   Happy Halloween to one and all!  And here's BQ's all-time best bet for an awesome beer 'n popcorn Halloween night........

                  Long before Wes Craven went all meta with the 'Scream' movies, writer-director Fred Dekker had already pumped out a couple of wildly entertaining horror movie pastiches......this one in 1986 and following it up in '87 with the much beloved "The Monster Squad".

                  What more could you possibly want?  This movie's got it ALL........creepy little midget aliens, slimy little alien slug parasites skittering about, freshly escaped lunatic serial ax-murderers, Frat boy Zombies, horny nerds, screaming sorority girls, exploding heads, death by power mower........(we could go on and on, but you simply need to see this to believe it.....)

                    And best of all, becoming an instant horror-movie legend......Tom Atkins as the irascible, brutally sarcastic police detective trying to unravel the tangle of bodies......both dead and living dead......spitting out his standard phone greeting to anyone brave enough to risk calling him.....

                ......"Thrill me!"

                  Thrill him the movie he takes on a horde of obnoxious fraternity bullies who've been zombie-fied by the alien slugs......( to the the sorority girls, he barks out his immortal line, "The good news, girls....your dates are here. The bad new is.....they're dead.")

                     We don't want to spoil any more Halloween fun by going into more detail...just sit back,kick your feet up and watch.......scoop up the rest of those Reece's Pieces you didn't give out to the trick-or-treaters and gobble 'em along with the popcorn while you enjoy this......

                      A guaranteed, funny spooktacular, BQ scares up a full 5 stars for "Night Of The Creeps" (*****), a bona fide, genuine fright night FIND OF FINDS.


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