Saturday, September 8, 2018


        The NYT Op-Ed from deep cover Secret Agent 001 & 3/4..........Ah, now we can all sleep better, knowing there's an ever-vigilant SuperMole on the job, keeping Baby Orange from nuking us all to hell and last, we can throw out the valium, ambien and vodka......

       Hmmmm.....maybe not.

         Baby Orange screams "Treason!", demands the NYT hand over the SuperMole to the government.... or as we like to think of it, the all new reboot of Bring Me The Head Of Alfredo Garcia.....

          All Baby Orange minions deny being the SuperMole......In stores for Christmas....the special White House edition of "Clue"........was the Lincoln Room....with an IPad? the kitchen......with a laptop?  How about.......Ivanka.....on Baby Orange's lap.....with a cellphone?   

           Obama asks, "How hard is it to say Nazis are bad?"   Harder than you think.....for Baby Orange.....even harder than admitting you've betrayed the USA to a KGB goon.......some things are just so damn hard.

            Melania tweets "be best" to all back-to-school kids.......hahahahahahahahahahahahahha

            Rally attendees behind Baby Orange replaced on the spot.....for...uh....lack of enthusiasm.......plans underway for an on-call surplus of Sears mannequins with painted-on smiles to replace indifferent MAGA redhats seated behind Baby Orange......with no loss of I.Q. points in the crowd.......

                Baby Orange claims he feel asleep listening to Obama's speech......we believe it.....since the speech contained coherent thoughts and full sentences..

                "Anomius.......Amominous.........Abominous........"  .......That was the sound of Baby Orange exhausting all 5 brains cells as he attempted to say 'anonymous'......

                 Brett Kavanaugh....the walking, talking Get-Out-Of-Jail-Card for Baby Orange.......his answers to Congress remind us of the way adults talk in the "Peanuts" TV specials......wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-that's hypothetical-wah-wah-wah.........

                 Kavanaugh turns his back on the Parkland dad offering a handshake.......the Supreme Court nominee celebrates his own wonderfulness as a coach to his children......then snubs a guy whose child took a bullet....just for being in school.  A surefire way to know who nominated him......





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