Thursday, September 27, 2018


         The mind reels at today's toxic chaos.......,so we'll do it in quick nuggets.......

           Dr. Ford........she'll never get anything resembling justice or closure......but her testimony will live on for generations........and come back to haunt Republicans forever.....

            Republicans   It's ludicrous to call them 'Senators'......they serve neither the country nor the U.S. Constitution........they serve one man. Minions.

            The GOP "Prosecutor".........if you put this in a movie, it would be hilarious......the GOP senators, like cartoon elephants who stand on a chair, terrified of a mouse, hire this woman to function like one of those scuzzy 'Law And Order:SVU' defense shysters.......excepts she sucks at it....

            Kavanaugh   So that's what he looks like with the mask ripped off.......just another foaming-at-the-mouth Trump minion.   Fascinating to watch him when he's asked why he hasn't demanded an FBI investigation, like his accuser........reminds us of Yaphet Kotto's death at the end of "Live And Let Die"......he inflates with hot air until he floats to the ceiling and explodes.......

             The Endgame   If the GOP does manage to jam this prep school penis waggler on to the Supreme Court, it will be both a tremendous victory and a crushing defeat for them......simultaneously.

              A tremendous victory, of course, because  Beer Boy will sit on the court till he's close to death.........but the millions of women enraged and energized into the resistance and political activism will wreak havoc on  the Trumpanzees who pose as Senators and Congressmen........'crushing' might describe what's coming.......

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