Wednesday, September 5, 2018


             Crazytown?   You want Crazytown? 

             You've heard all the late night guys do Trump in their monologues.........the familiar whine, the knee-jerk use of "Believe me...." before or after another lie (now up to 4,370 and still counting...)

              But in our memories of classic, over-the-top performances, we remembered a long forgotten character actor who brilliantly captured the essence and psyche of Donald Trump........over 60 years before Baby Orange became a dire threat to American democracy and the entire world.......

              We speak of Jay Robinson and his back-to back, iconic, Crazytown performances as the mad Emperor Caligula in the two 20th Century Fox biblical epics, "The Robe" (1953) and "Demetrius And The Gladiators" (1954)

               Yes, we're aware.......he looks and sounds nothing like Trump.

              Look closer as these set of performances.......essentially, he is Trump.

               If you view the films him and listen to him carefully.  As he rants and brays and screams his way through these films, searching for hidden enemies, enraged with paranoid tantrums, deluding himself into thinking he's a god..........who is he really, but Trump in a toga?

              And mirroring today's White House, as revealed in Bob Woodward's new book, Caligula's inner circle cowers and kowtows as his increasingly lunatic behavior puts them in danger of getting crucified or fed to the lions......(the ancient equivalent of  being 'thrown under the bus')

              Alec Baldwin and a host of comedians may have nailed down all the clownish aspects of Trump......the preening ego, the rampant stupidity, all of it topped with that ridiculous hair........

              But when it comes to accurately replicating the dark, empty soul, the pathetic cowardice and the ever malignant evil of the man.........

               Nobody did it better than Jay Robinson and his mad emperor portrayal........

               As far as this last photo.....we'd like to think of it as a political cartoon, with the spear representing Robert Mueller's final report.....


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