Sunday, September 30, 2018


                  After the laughter subsides, some sad disturbing thoughts linger........

                  As ridiculous, over-exaggerated and goofy as SNL's lampooning of the Kavanaugh testimony wasn't all that far removed from the actual event it depicted.

                  Think about that for a moment........the uneasy thought that the SNL writers have to work doubly hard to duplicate and exceed the lunacy they're attempting to satirize.

                   We didn't need to see Matt Damon's riotous, richly comic rendering of Kavanaugh as a raging,lying,  entitled, brew-chugging bully........

                    Kavanaugh himself already put on an equally convincing performance of that a few days ago....

                    But granted, he wasn't as funny as Damon.........for the simple reason that Damon's an actor playing a role.  Kavanaugh, a foul-tempered vindictive minion nominated for the sole purpose of rescuing Trump from indictment and prosecution, is all too real.

                    The SNL staff did supply Damon's Kavanaugh with one scary truthful line that remained unspoken by the real Kavanaugh.........but hung in the air like a dark, visible cloud over his head....

                   "Wait'll I get on the Supreme're all gonna pay...."

                     And that's why we've stopped the thought of such a monumentally unfit character coming so close to the Supreme Court........

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