Sunday, June 18, 2017


On this Father's Day, a quick remembrance for these poor Pops....

George Sanders in "Village Of The Damned"   Technically not a biological father, since his blonde-locked, emotionless little troll was whim-whammed into his wife's womb via alien transmissions from across the galaxy........a serious believer in tough love, as he opts for blowing up his kid and the rest of his kid's playmates......wimpier Dads might have just grounded them....

Kirk Douglas in "The Fury"  A truly hard luck Dad......watching his super-telekinetically empowered son used and abused by shady government operatives......the kid and Kirk both end up plunging off a roof......well, at least they got to do things together.....

William Hopper in "The Bad Seed" and "Rebel Without A Cause"  The quintessential 1950's Dad.....completely clueless as to who and what he's raising under his "The Bad Seed", his Army officer duties leave him oblivious to the fact that the beloved little girl he spawned is a sociopath murderess.  In "Rebel".....this guy's so remote and cold, no wonder Natalie Wood runs into James Dean's arms.......nice goin', basket of kisses and hugs for you....

Darth Vader in "Return Of The Jedi"  Nobody wants to see their Dad before he shaves and showers......and after trembling at the very voice of your father, afraid that he might lop off your other find out he looks like Humpty Dumpty with a bad skin condition......

Christopher Walken in "At Close Range".....cause having your son's girlfriend executed .keeps a rebellious teen in line.....the dopey son should have known this would happen.....your father's Christopher Walken, for God's sake......did you think that would end well?

Robert Mitchum in "Night Of The Hunter"  A loving Evangelical stepdad, threatening to carve up his stepson like a "hog at butcherin'" if the tyke doesn't give up his real dad's hidden stash of cash.....takes good care of the kid's mom too, leaving her sitting in a car at the bottom of a lake with her throat cut.......well, like Trump voters, God must have told him to do it.....

Happy Father's Day from the BQ!

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