Tuesday, June 13, 2017


House of Cards, Season 5 (2013-17   When this series began on Netflix, relative sanity and normalcy still survived in the United States, even amid all the partisan bitterness.  And this show was free to pop our eyes  and drop our jaws with its outrageous Machiavellian power couple, Francis and Claire Underwood......

            We couldn't get enough of watching this malignant duo, a modern day D.C. Richard III and Lady Macbeth, lie, scheme, connive and murder their way into the White House.......an outrageous dark fantasy. After all, nobody this soulless, corrupt, this utterly vile could ever ascend to the halls of power in American, could they?

            Yes, they could. With the infection, the raging plague of Baby Orange now upon us.....

             And that's some tough news for "House Of Cards".....the show's not astounding in its plot twists anymore......unheard of reality has swiftly overtaken it.  How can Francis and Claire, even with all their machinations, plots and double/triple crosses, ever hope to compete with the horrifying circus that the real White House has become?

              We'll give the show's producers and writers credit for trying, though. The lunacy of actual news events has forced them to push their fictitious Prez and his wife Vice Prez into more daring villainy....(SPOILERS ahead....)  Francis no longer feels the need to sneak around subway stations to push nosy reporters in front of trains.....he simply shoves his Secretary of State down the stairs in the White House. Claire poisons her lover, but not before she extracts one more orgasm out of him......

               Not that we blame them for having Frank and Claire take more crazy risks to secure their power....how can this show's writers compete with an event like Baby Orange's recent cabinet meeting......where he beamed as his cabinet took turns grovelling and kissing his ass. (They might as well have dressed up for the part, like Kim Jung Un's generals, wearing those hilarious XXL military hats...) It resembled an audition for a new version of "David Copperfield" where everybody's reading for the part of Uriah Heep...

                 The Underwoods and Baby Orange do share one great mystery together........how does anyone embrace and support such blatantly loathsome individuals?  The series never explains why people supposedly in their right minds would come near the Underwoods, given that their experience inevitably leaves them humiliated, professionally ruined, emotionally damaged.....and sometimes dead.

                And we're at an equal loss to explain the same phenomena regarding those who rally around Baby Orange.......(though the longer he stays in office, the greater the chance these folks will end up like the Underwoods' victims.....especially those with health insurance....)

                The show's writers are far from immune to what's going on.....in one of the final episodes of Season 5, Kevin Spacey's Francis delivers one of his most telling, poisonous soliloquies to the audience.....trumpeting the death of the Age Of Reason, that there's  no longer government to serve the people for the greater good....it's just about winning.

                 "House Of Cards" ends its fifth season as a true political house of horrors.  Entertaining as hell to watch, as always......but you can't go to bed feeling secure that such things could never happen in these United States Of America......wake up in the morning, turn on the news, and the horror begins anew.

                For "House Of Cards" four Nixonian stars (****), for Baby Orange....as always, a galaxy of stars, all in the minus numbers.....

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